Crystal Meaning
This post is a list of crystals and their meaning. I am just giving the basics here. If you would like to dive deeper, there are a list of books...
Crystal Meaning
This post is a list of crystals and their meaning. I am just giving the basics here. If you would like to dive deeper, there are a list of books...
Charging Crystals
I love charging my crystals monthly. Every full moon I will take ALL of the crystals out and put them on my deck so they can soak up the moonlight....
Charging Crystals
I love charging my crystals monthly. Every full moon I will take ALL of the crystals out and put them on my deck so they can soak up the moonlight....
Crystals I Currently Carry
Types of crystals I have at the moment. I will be adding to this list when I get in newbies.
Crystals I Currently Carry
Types of crystals I have at the moment. I will be adding to this list when I get in newbies.